Usui Reiki Master Teacher


*Pre-requisites: Must complete Reiki 1 and 2 Attunements

This is a self-paced, self-study Usui Reiki Master Teacher course. This includes all the materials you will need in order to be successful and understand the core principles and concepts of Usui Reiki Master Teacher Level, including the use of symbols and Attunement Placements.

The primary goal of Reiki Master Teacher is to open the channels of energy healing within you to use this method to complement your own healing and the healing of others. Once you receive your distance digital attunement through this course, you will be able to channel Reiki healing energy into yourself, others, places, and things, as well as use the new symbols you learned in the course, and be able to Attune others to Reiki.

Your attunement will be given through an Audio infused with Akashic Intention to place the attunement to anyone who listens to it. Done in the privacy of your own home and when you feel ready to receive it. The attunement takes about 6 minutes to complete and just requires you to wear headphones and sit in a comfortable space.

What you receive when you purchase this course:
-You will receive a PDF download with the links and password to access the course materials.
-Full course materials and resources, including a manual, PDFs, Videos, and PowerPoint.
-Audio Attunement.
-Bonus Materials to support you for the first 21 days after your Attunement.
- Bonus 7 Chakra Healing Audios!
- Bonus Align to Success Meditation to help you on your path.
- Client Forms and Materials to help you get started with your own Reiki Practice.
- Certificate stating your new Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner status.
- Course Materials for your own Reiki Classes.

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Who is this Usui Reiki Master Teacher Class For?
This class is for you if you are looking to expand on what you already learned in Reiki 1 and 2, desire to expand your Reiki Practice to paying clients, would like to Teach and Attune Reiki to others, are a self-starter, don't want to spend a whole day at a class, and want a cost-effective way to get attuned.

Do I have to have had Reiki 1 and 2 with you first, is it okay if I was attuned somewhere else?
No. You don’t have to receive your Reiki 1 and 2attunement from me, all that matters is you have received the attunements, and the length of time is not important. I only recommend waiting 21 days in between attunements to allow the energy to fully integrate with your body. Receiving multiple attunements too soon can be very taxing on your body and energy.

How long does it take to complete the course and much of this class is instructional and is there any hands-on?
So because this is a self-paced course, you do everything on your own time. An average in-person class is anywhere between 8-12 hours in length, spanning over one or two days. It depends on your desire and motivation to complete reviewing all of the course materials.
Reiki Master Teacher is when you have been working on others and building your own practice, as well as desire to teach Reiki and provide Attunements yourself.. It is recommended that you complete a 21-day period of self-Reiki practice after your attunement. During this time you will be giving reiki to yourself, you are also encouraged to practice on as many individuals as you feel you need to become comfortable with giving Reiki to, so that is your hands-on.

What Symbols do you learn in Reiki 2?
There is the Master Reiki symbol. There are additional handouts/videos to help you learn the symbols and what they do.

What can I expect to do after taking this class?
You will be able to give reiki to yourself, your pets, your friends, and your family members. You can clear the energy of your space with it, bless food, water, and objects.
You will be able to give Distance Reiki to people, pets, places, or things, and send healing to past or future events.
You will also be able to start your own Reiki Practice and take Paying Clients if you so desire.
You can teach Reiki to others and provide Reiki Attunements.

Does a course manual and certificate come with this class?
You get a digital copy of the manual. I also give two book recommendations if you want to purchase something to have as a hard copy.
There is a certificate you fill out with your name once you complete the attunement.
All the Course materials that are eligible for re-use, as well as a certificate.

How does this course compare to others? Why should I pick your course?
In-person classes can range from $200-600+, most often these occur in small groups, and you have the opportunity to practice with each other and ask questions in real-time. You typically are given a printout of the manual, and then your attunements individually at the end of the class.

Other courses I have seen offer the attunement as a distance session only for $375+ with a digital manual for your to print out or purchase a hard copy separately.

My course offers multiple digital resources in the form of PDFs, PowerPoints, audio, and videos. I also offer my attunement as an Akashic Audio Attunement, and I include a Reiki Detox Meditation and 21-Day Reiki Detox Journal to support you during the 21 days after your attunement. In Reiki Master Teacher I include bonus Audio Healing Sessions for the 7 Chakras infused with healing energy to help you clear, rebalance, reactivate, and align your chakras, and a Healing Audio Session to help you align to Success..

How long have you been using Reiki?
Personally, I've been attuned to Kundalini Reiki 1 + 2 since 2013.
I got my first Usui Reiki attunement in 2016, and my 1, 2, and Master/Teacher Usui attunements in 2017.
I received Holy Fire Reiki 1+2 in 2020.
I plan to continue learning new attunements.